Friday, February 29, 2008

Do you ever have on of those days when you know the Lord is taking care of you, and don't feel you deserve it. Well we got a statment from our medical insurance saying that our premium was going up $20 a month (that $240 a year). Well $20 bucks might not seem like alot, but when the cost of everything else going up it matters. The good news is that we over paid on our escrow so our Monthly mortgage payment went down $40 and we get a big refund, almost $700. This is way I think the lord really knows our needs and is there for us, even with an increase as little as $20. I still plan to pay the my mortgage a little extra, well at least $20 and put the other $20 to medical now. Our goal this year is to be debt free. I'm sure and testify that the lord is helping us achieve that goal. Many miracles are happening so we can get there.

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