Saturday, December 6, 2008

Christmas Party

Last night was our ward Christmas party.

It was so much fun, and a lot of people attended. Since Cody is in the bishopric I didn't see him much. The kids loved all the food, which was Turky,Ham, mashed potatoes, greenbean cassorole{which Blaze loved},and yummy homemade rolls. Of course there was dessert, many varities.

They kids seem to enjoy themselves. Blaze was tried and had a hard time. But he was a trouper.

Santa came too. Blaze was excited when he came out, but when it came time to sit on his lap, well lets say he is his old self, no one touches me. Dylan was to old, So I only have pictures of Riley and Jacob with Santa, two out of four.

Cody sang in a group. They sounded wonderful. I just had a relaxing night.

I just love this time of year. I truly wish people would be kind all the time, not jst at christmas.

1 comment:

J D C and N said...

It was such a fun ward party! And the guys really did a great job!