Monday, January 24, 2011


So I've been running. I'm not fast at all, but I enjoy it. Speed is not my thing. Maybe with time I'll get faster. I just ran a 10k with some friends. It was a blast. After looking at pictures of me I've realized that I run funny. Why hasn't anyone told me. I run with my knees in, touching each other. I guess this is something I'll have to work on. My hubby must be laughing each time I pass him and is not telling me. He used to tell me that I look like I was in alot of pain, got over that. It is a huge work in progress. I might be doing another Half Marathon in February. If this weekend I make to 9 mile mark. I love long distance. One day I plan on doing a full, but that will take a lot of training and patience. I've only been running for 9 months, so I've come along way from just brief walks.
I achieved my PR for my 10k of 1:02:30. I was hoping to do in 60 but I'll take it.

See how funny I look. Oh well at least I'm out there moving.